Time gone by


This is for all those people who are petrified of their history.

‘What haunts you?’ I asked myself. The only thing that I could think of is my past. A lot of us have done horrible things in the past. The guilt, the rage, the agony, the heat inside you, the very urge in your heart to just go back in time and turn your whole life into something that’s much better than what you are going through now. If only you could remodel things that you now deeply regret, however, it’s inevitable.

The smile you once wore is now worn. The unsettling questions like “Am I doing enough?” “Would my 2-year old self be proud of me?” ; running all the way from one side of your mind to the other. And it is not only your mind who keeps making you have such questions which leads to self-doubt but there are also living, breathing reminders who will text you things like ‘You’re worthless’ ‘This was always expected from you’. Such people add burden on your shoulders even more than you already had by speaking crap absolutely unknown about what abhorrent circumstances you are going through.

I wonder do these people even think before blabbering stuff. Do they realize that such words can affect a person profoundly and to which the person can take severe actions?

Ever thought of how to ignore these people?

Blocking them or cutting them off from your life is not an option. Why be like them? You should prefer being superior to them. Show them what kind of a person you are. If you do exactly what they expect you to do, they win. You must intend to be a much kinder person than they have ever been their whole life.

Amidst going through such phase, don’t forget your past does not define you, your present does. As things go, when you are 60, retired, you’ll think hard and speak what should have always mattered to you, “I made it, after all this time…”

Get this: Past reminds you of all your nasty deeds but present is all you have to make your future a better life for you.

I don’t know where I will be in the next 2 or 10 years but I will always strive to be a fabulous human being.


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