Even if parents bought my friend and me the same packet of chips, I’d like my friend’s packet. We liked what others had be it a packet of chips or baggy clothes. Eating Maggie in different plates and taking some from the other plate just to see if it tastes same seemed stupidly sane. Oh and don’t forget the head fight with your sibling while cramming down Maggie in the same plate. That utter disappointment showed up on our face when we had the excitement to wait behind the door to scare a person but leaving because the person took a lot of time to come.
School days were awesome! Being yelled at for absolutely no reason by that one teacher, having breakfast and lunch with a group of friends or playing in turf together not only did we have jollification but also we made memories. This was something I always enjoyed but I cannot compare it to the walks I had with my best friend after school. We walked together, blethering about the pathetic life we lived in, bitching about the people we hated and gossiping about people we liked! Some days I was the therapist, some days he/she became one.
Childhood was the time where everyone; and by everyone, I mean literally everyone; loved us from one of our relatives (who now tittle-tattle about us, in front of us) to a stranger! Receiving money occasionally was so not what we liked; we were content with a new dress or our favourite toy! Acting fake sick and not being caught was probably the only thing we were stressed about.
What is the one thing that comes in your mind when I say school picnics? The boring antakshri, huh? I can totally feel you! Being with our friends made it a bearable though. From relishing the nature by looking outside the window of the bus to closing the windows and dozing off, this was called picnic. We still miss standing in 2 lines to climb up in the bus and the excellent time we had with our teachers. During our infancy, we thought going to a picnic will only be the time where one can be informal to anyone, including teachers.
There are so many things that school never knew about us. Playing truth and dare in the class rooms, pen fights, discussing extremely random things even during the lecture! That one teacher who always said ‘There are CCTV cameras in every class room, we know everything about y’all’ as if! Then there was a pretty good one, hidden cameras? Hilarious! Ma’am, there are things that students know that school doesn’t know! Although, there were times of being caught and we made it through anyway. Because eh, what does school know?
You can do this :)
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